  • Pensamientos

  • Venezuela
  • La más grande cuenta de frases en español. Frases, sarcasmos, reflexiones y consejos que relatan tu vida día a día. Disfruta leyendo.
  • Handle for Pensamientos : @FraseSimple
  • ID for Pensamientos : 485207048
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La más grande cuenta de frases en español. Frases, sarcasmos, reflexiones y consejos que relatan tu vida día a día. Disfruta leyendo.

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@la_patilla Venezuela
7M+ followers
212 following
15196 listed

@hcapriles Venezuela
6M+ followers
2K+ following
16795 listed

@leopoldolopez Venezuela
5M+ followers
312K+ following
10633 listed

@globovision Venezuela
5M+ followers
386 following
25293 listed

@NicolasMaduro Venezuela
4M+ followers
118 following
17428 listed

@MariaCorinaYA Venezuela
4M+ followers
4K+ following
8635 listed

@FraseSimple Venezuela
4M+ followers
13K+ following
3419 listed

@NTN24ve Venezuela
4M+ followers
4K+ following
5732 listed

@chavezcandanga Venezuela
3M+ followers
18 following
55342 listed

@liliantintori Venezuela
3M+ followers
4K+ following
3920 listed

Pensamientos Venezuela Top Followers
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